Friday, June 29

Happy iPhone Day

Finally we have all waited for this international holiday and now it here. Lets all celebrate!!!
Gosh it is so like Christmas Day! Happy iPhone day
The Lurker

Wednesday, June 27

Wasting Time Volume 27

Another week has blown by in this wonderful heat and now it is time to start cooling off by relaxing with a pure icey cold blast of wasting your time.

The Lurker

Side note: The other day we were talking about prostitutes near where the Lurker teaches and it made the Lurker wonder whether you tip a prostitute. And of course once you head down that road you start asking things like what are going rates? I am sure the wonderful wonderful Internet will save us and provide an answer.

And now onto wasting time.

Knitting (Mrs. Lurker Knits)

Wednesday, June 20

Wasting Time Volume 26

Welcome back to the beginning of another work stoppage.
The first wedding is away and it was pretty damn awesome and the merry couple is off to the land of the aqueduct. Hopefully they are bringing the culture of the Lurker to those in Italy. Check out Shaun and Geoff's pics. Below is the GEEK bachelor party at a wonderfully old local movie theater. The movie was entitled several hours of 10 player HALO.

I know I am going to get a lot of emails about the next two videos but they are about people overcoming the odds.
Make it through the first song and then you have Youtube GOLD. The Bon Jovi song is freakin awesome. If you want to know more about the group click the video and their is a description. Oh also thanks to Jarrod for the submission.

The best cooking show ever. I love the Jelly.



The Lurker was going through old video tapes and found this little gem. Enjoy!
The Lurker

Thursday, June 14

Wasting Time Volume 25: The wedding issue

Welcome back for another volume of wasting your time. This volume is going to mainly be concerned with weddings. The reason is simple, at the moment, the Lurker has way too many friends having weddings. I believe there are around 6 or more, I lost count. So I give you the Wasting Time Volume 25: The Wedding Issue. Beware you may be next!!!
The Lurker
P.S. Check out the special the Lurker uploaded yesterday. Do the Preggo Shuffle!

Wedding Videos
Only one wedding picture...sorry....really for the brides

For those not having any or going to any weddings the rest is for you.

Non Wedding Videos


A thanks goes out to Trevor for the Lurker's new logo at the end of video. To See Trevor's masterwork watch the video all the way through. This video it is on is a masterpiece in awful. It is a bunch or gaggle of pregnant women rapping. Just horrible.

Also another video of Don King impersonating Tony the Tiger.

The next installment of wasting time will be up more than likely late tonight or early tomorrow.
The Lurker

Thursday, June 7

Wasting Time Volume 24

Well another week and more time wasted. The Lurker has been putting out feelers for a new job and this is one of the responses he has received.
Your online resume has been reviewed and we have determined that you are qualified to apply for a position as a Customer Service Representative with our company, Too-Spoiled. We are one of the most exciting web launches in recent years. Customer Service Representatives with Too-Spoiled need outstanding written and verbal communication skills, excellent phone etiquette, knowledge of both Microsoft Office and the Internet and at least a year of experience in customer service. Our Customer Service Representatives assist models and actors with all site-related concerns, help them maximize the revenue potential of their personal profile pages and troubleshoot any problems they may have.

The Lurker has no plans to send his resume into any place called too spoiled. What an absolutely awful sounding place.

A night at the Creation museum

Fantastic Commercial
